The manager of the Dominio ICT Aerospazio Abruzzo is the University of L’Aquila. The Shareholders give the Manager a special free and irrevocable collective mandate, with reporting obligation.
The “Dominio ICT/Aerospazio Abruzzo” was established with the aim of:
Engage in supporting the priorities necessary for intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth, focusing on the elaboration of national/regional strategies, in the ICT/Aerospace field, of intelligent specialization aimed at identifying territorial excellence in terms of research and innovation and to identify the potential for growth
Implement partnership animation activities aimed at outlining a shared development trajectory in the medium/long term on the ICT/Aerospace theme
Stimulate dialogue between the world of research and business by promoting technology transfer
Strengthen networking between companies and activate supply chain projects
Promote projects with a high technological content and strong impact on the territory (royal, national and community) which provide for collaborations between SMEs, Large Enterprises and Research Centers